Page : Trade Needs
Location : GM's Office - Trades

General Description - From this page, make your trade demands known to the rest of the league as well as view what other owners are demanding. This info should help pinpoint what franchises you should target for trade proposals.

Other Franchise Needs - Each franchise may keep a list of anywhere from 0 to 3 needs. This info contains the desired position, batting side, throwing arm, experience level and any additional notes.

Your Franchise Needs - This is your current list of trade needs. You may click on the 'Remove' link to remove a need from the list.

New Trade Needs - Click the "Add Need" button to add your newest need to your list. The Notes section is limited to 64 characters. This section is only available when you have less than 3 trade needs.

Additional information :Player Ratings | Player Statistics | GM Basics | Guide | Manual